It would appear, to the untrained and the trained, occular observers that I would be smack-dab in the middle of Acadia National park.
It would also appear that I've learned a lot about myself. Mainely (get it? Maine-ly...anyways), I require mountains, hiking trails, bays, harbors and sailboats to provide myself unequivocal sanity on the largest proportions.
I've been here 12 days...which is preposterous in itself!...and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of each day and every step of each trail. I've hiked most of the eastern shores of Mount Desert from Dorr Point to Sand Beach and all the summits in between. So far, Dorr Mountain, Beehive and Champlain have been my favorites. I believe that I will need to return to Cadillac Mountain by bike this time and go to the true summit, and not the tourist summit that misleads even the one's who care about summits and hiking.
So I've got just under a month--a day short--to take in the rest of Acadia and all of her sights. My brother and sister-in-law arrive the 17th and their visit will coincide with the Bar Harbor Jazz Fest...hell yeah!
I need to really buckle down and get some serious mileage on my bike up here, and a trip around the island sounds quite enticing. At least a ride to Northeast Harbor should be in order.
Tonight was a particularly good night; it's always a good night when you get a gorgeous girl's number. Wow.
To Acadia and Maine