What can I say?
The summer program has merely 2 weeks left and I really can't believe it.
The past few days have been nothing but stellar. Tonight Wall, Cousins, Patterson, Bledsoe and Orton all went in the first round of the draft. WOW. Just, WOW. First time in history--go big BLUE!
Yesterday the US defeated Algeria in a stoppage time goal to win the group play--beating out England. I think we have a legitimate shot at our first title. Here's to that.
Monday made it over to Exit/In to see Megafaun. I almost missed the entire show but luckily I can read and had picked up a Nashville Scene last Thursday. Sunday night, flipped through it and BOOM Megafaun. It was a great show. Opening band was slick--local group Colorfeels, and there was a two-chick opening act, Midtown Dickens, who blew the place up (all 3o of us) and even played some tunes with Megafaun. Got to meet them after they went off and exchanged emails. I encourage everyone to check them out.
Things are going well. The family is being very positive about this round, and Dad is being a fucking trooper even though he just beat cancer only to face it again immediately. I think, if nothing else, the past year and 5 months have done nothing but bring our family so close, and I find myself fortunate to have such an incredible family--they are without a doubt the best family I could ever want. I feel sorry for you.
Maine in three weeks. I'm pumped. Getting my mind ready for the expedition, and my body as well. I'm a very fortunate person, and I do not take my position, my luck or my ability to find myself in these positions lightly.
I guess I'm doing something right, even though some things really make me think I'm not.
Just gotta push on, just gotta keep living. And the living's good anymore.
I need to go ask that chick at Harris Teeter out...
Here's to that.