So, a new day it is. A new chapter has started, I feel, and I'm oddly glad to be done with the last portion of my life. Oddly I feel excited to start living fully and not confined to another person for awhile. Do what I want, when I want, and how I want.
Friday was a confusing day, a very confusing day. Started off well enough--8am Psych was a breeze, no Buddhism, Physics at 1pm, and Hiking was spent creating do-it-yourself burners from tuna cans, parafin and cardboard. Quick and easy day. Yet, that wasn't all; had a final spat with my significant other, and called it quits.
I feel like it's a definite this time and not anything to take lightly. I don't feel like there is a future there at all and for that reason I can't even muster enough sadness, remorse or regret to make myself feel like I just came out of a long, six year relationship. I just feel emptier, and a little less solid. I don't have my usual strategy to take on the day and I don't have my habits to fall back on--we are creatures of habit and when we lose something that was integral to those habits it is hard to not feel lost and confused and a little disoriented.
Disoriented, that is certainly how I feel. Yet, I feel optimistic about the future. Just finish out this semester and then I'll be heading to Vanderbilt University to do some research this summer with Dr. Billy G. Hudson. I am very excited and anxious for this opportunity; I know I can do it and I know I'll be fine there, but it's a big university and this research is going to be intensive and very much real world research. I've got to prepare, how will I do that? By reading a metric ton of published papers and knowing them quite well.
I just watched Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries this weekend with Jeffrey and Johnny and I am completely blown away by this show! It is phenomenal--highly suggested to any sci-fi fan, and any drama fan. It will certainly transcend those who have a sci-fi-aversion. It is superb. I couldn't wait for the season 1 first disc to come in netflix so I thought I'd try the Amazon Unbox download service while I was at it--whole first season for $20. Not bad. It just finished downloading, so I shall be watching that in just a few moments.
Things are pretty good I must say, just have to get my academics in full gear, my social life tweaked, and get my head to stop spinning long enough so I don't miss the next road sign.
Bon Iver - re: Stacks