So, in the past few days things have gone from fine to good to great to awesome to "shit, things are fucking awesome!"
I am so alive, and so happy. I've been so confused and unsure about so many things--selfishly and stubbornly I've kept myself from enjoying things, doing things, thinking things and being different shades of myself. It's amazing what a few little tidbits of good news and conversation can do to a man when he feels slightly contemplative about matters.
This past weekend was without a doubt one of the best I've had in a long time. Went up to Lexington on Friday night to ice skate with Kira, Seth and Linds and had a blast--it's been six years since I've done that--then spent the rest of the night chatting at Seth's house then ending up at Kira's dorm at Transylvania with Boyd and Linds and drank a bit and enjoyed the evening highly! I have to make a rather large admission; Kira has not one, but two macs, an iMac and a Macbook, and after spending a bit really checking them out I really want one; honestly I don't know why, but they just have a nice feel to them. I think I would soley use it for music and video and I think that's just fine. Until Zune can be used on macs I think I'll hold out. Camping Saturday night was awesome; we just spent the whole evening looking over Berea and Richmond and listened to the radio via my Zune. Dined on Cheez-Its and Jones root beer (fucking amazing) and stayed until 3pm Sunday.
Registered for classes; good news is I've got Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Botany and Parasitology (which was closesd, but Rosen def. let me in cause I'm awesome) but Senior Seminar is up in the air--maybe until Spring. Fuck it.
Weekend looks awesome; bonfire Friday with Amy, Linds, Boyd, Seth, Lena and Kira
To celebrate a great weekend and week (so far) here's an awesome new tune:
M.I.A. - Paper Planes (my new favorite song)