It's been a hectic, flamdiperous of a week.
Hell, of a month.
Research is going stupendously, and as the wise might say, 'it's easier to push a rolling stone'. That's true. I can attest.
Direction and magnitude in my work is at hand...therefore I have a vector. That's something that is highly underrated and highly invaluable. It seems nearly daily anymore that I find myself being thankful for the lab that I'm in; from the people (oh, the people) to the science to the opportunity, I couldn't wish for a better setup.
And people notice, too. I've had the conversation several times with several people lately about how lucky we are in this lab, with this PI, with these labmates. I know I'm spoiled--I've gotten my chops in science in the most conducive and enabling lab on earth, and perhaps that's the best part about it.
It's Friday, and no matter how much I love research, I love my weekends and sleep more. Oh, and Flying Wild Alaska is on tonight. Oh, shit, if there was ever anything that drew me into flying so much, it was this show.
I've started playing Flight Simulator X again...had been a while.
Save me now, because I'm planning a trans-continental flight this weekend with a few stops across the continent. That's right...I'm going to fly an 18 hour flight this weekend.
For the hell of it.
Oye vey.
Hell, of a month.
Research is going stupendously, and as the wise might say, 'it's easier to push a rolling stone'. That's true. I can attest.
Direction and magnitude in my work is at hand...therefore I have a vector. That's something that is highly underrated and highly invaluable. It seems nearly daily anymore that I find myself being thankful for the lab that I'm in; from the people (oh, the people) to the science to the opportunity, I couldn't wish for a better setup.
And people notice, too. I've had the conversation several times with several people lately about how lucky we are in this lab, with this PI, with these labmates. I know I'm spoiled--I've gotten my chops in science in the most conducive and enabling lab on earth, and perhaps that's the best part about it.
It's Friday, and no matter how much I love research, I love my weekends and sleep more. Oh, and Flying Wild Alaska is on tonight. Oh, shit, if there was ever anything that drew me into flying so much, it was this show.
I've started playing Flight Simulator X again...had been a while.
Save me now, because I'm planning a trans-continental flight this weekend with a few stops across the continent. That's right...I'm going to fly an 18 hour flight this weekend.
For the hell of it.
Oye vey.