formerly Kamera To My Eye

12 December 2010

On my desk at home I have two pictures.

They're not of a person, a place or some brunette beauty.

They're of two of my best friends growing up. Two friends who were there everyday, through everything, wagging their tails, following me into the woods, digging with me in the dirt and playing with me in the rain.

While my mom got mad at me for coming back to the house filthy and smelling, these two were always at my back, snickering, wagging their tales and waiting for me to go back out with them.

I think I'd be a different person if it weren't for the people who've shaped me through life.

It's no surprise that I'd be a different person without my black Laborador tom-boy, Shadow, and my goofball, always smiling white Laborador brother, Baron.

I miss them dearly.