This modern looking, contemporary art image is a map of my mouse cursor over the course of 3 hours. It's called IO Graphica and it's pretty awesome. I made this, and this being the only one, a few months back and basically just forgot about it. I set it to run, forgot about it, then three hours later it was like, 'hey, here's your cursor map...because you totally needed this.'
Yep. It's official. I have become an NBA fan. I've watched every Cav and Celtics game and most of Oklahoma City in the Playoffs so far, and so far Celtics have advanced (Go, Rondo! UK!) and looks like Cavs may finish off the Bulls. There are so many UK players that it's sort of like watching old UK games...sort of. Plus Joakim Noah is a Bull and it feels oh, so, good watching (UK fan) Lebron school that Florida filth. I used to really hate the Gators, but they suck anymore so...eh...
Apparently the whole Coach Cal conversation with Larry Brown is being speculated that it was either (a) an exhibition game with an NBA team--which is very unlikely as there are plenty of rules against that kind of thing, or (b) an exhibition game with former Cats (many NBA) and maybe even a few non-UK NBA stars, a la Lebron. I really, REALLY like this idea. I will gladly take that and would love to go to that more than Madness. Which speaking of, Madness is only five and a half months away.
Cavs advance. Hells yes.
I haven't played guitar as much as I have in the last 3 weeks in a very long time. Playing Blindsided (Bon Iver) was utter bliss. One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, and it's still just as powerful three years later.
I've found that Say Anything and Smiths may be some of the best work-out bands. Not typical music for working out, but it totally does it. Say Anything makes way more sense--very high energy, but Smiths I just don't understand but I'll be damned if that doesn't do it for me.
Independent Study classes going well, things are good. I've had to relearn how to be single and it was tough at first. I've found my stride though, and it feels good to rely on no one but yourself for a time. I have realized more so than I ever had about a very big part of my life. I feel like I've never been so resolute about getting something, and I will have what I see at the end of this journey. Dug.
To Lebron and Sierra Nevada Summerfest--the best summer brew as always.