That's usually the problem, right?
I went home weekend before last for the first time in several months (oh yes, was that nice) with Kayla. I knew she would really enjoy my house and she wanted to go even though it was her birthday (finally 21!).
Came back to Nashville and mother dearest followed me down for a stay through the week since she had some time off. It was nice to spend time with just her--that rarely happens since we're usually running around at home and the trip to Cali back in August was spent visiting with relatives and enjoying the scenery. We ate out quite a bit, cooked some good food, sat back and relaxed. It was nice having her around--especially since she cleaned my apartment for me! Woot! Go mom!
She left Friday morning and then Friday night (around freaking 1:48am) my best friend in the whole world, Amy, came to visit! I was pumped--it's been over 5 months since we hung out and didn't even fully realize how much I had missed her until she pulled up (after, yes, getting lost finding my place--what's new...) :)
Between great food with her, Andrew Bird at the Ryman, a midnight seafood feast and a trip to an art museum I felt like I had been gone from the world for the summer and fall. It was nice to do things together that we always used to do. It was like we were never apart.
I have 50 hagfish to dissect this week--which oddly enough I am looking forward to since it is a great mind engager keeping my mind from wandering.
I am scheduled to take the GRE in December, so starting first thing next week I will begin to study hard just to do as well as possible. Then I will begin applications.
My, my. I knew this part was going to have to come sooner or later! :)