It surely has since I have last blogged. In fact, the last time was Election Night in November; a rather exciting night that no less than the entire world was watching. It's nice to know I was apart of that.
Since then, I've completed my second to last semester of college, my last january term--which I travelled to Paris for an entire month and yes, it was every bit of the most amazing trip of my life thusly. I'm already two months into my last semester and only looking at little over a month left in college.
Holy fuck.
Holy fuck.
It's hard to imagine that I'm finally at the precipice of this part of life. Although, before the transition to college I found it hard to imagine myself in college. It's going to be interesting where I go from now. I'm currently looking at a job at Vanderbilt University working in the same lab as I did last summer working on a slightly different--albeit same issue--as last summer and with a dramatically different MO. I'm looking at possibly starting my own real-world research project, and perhaps teaching/working with students getting them interested in science and all at the same time, I'd be doing real work and getting high school students excited about science. A great gig for a couple years, something that would look stellar on a med school application.
I'm curious to know where my life is headed. I am excited at the prospect of returning to Nashville. It was an impeccable city, that I fell in love with quite hard. Having my own place, my own project working on some biochem. I'm not sure if I can think of a better way to settle out after college.
The only problem is, I'm that much further from the important things in life; a summer is one thing, but year? two? There are a very few things in life that I could never go without. I hope one day we find each other.
Let's see where we all go.