Let me reiterate that last statement as it is a bit much to convey and understand simply...
My SENIOR YEAR of college.
Trust me, I'm way more surprised at how much time as flown by. Last I checked I was a Freshman, and apparently I'm now a fourth-year college student and I'm not sure where I lost track.
It's nice though; something along the lines of being a senior in high school where you just feel like the top-dog, yet it's different in college. I'm not sure how to explain it, however I can say that I feel like for the first time a truly real and substantial sense of direction. It's merely a sense of belonging I feel towards thoughts of what I'm going to be doing after college, and I suppose the best way to really express it is to use the "light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel" anecdote.
I am 25% of the way through my senior year. It's been unescapably fast, and without a doubt it has been good. classes and work are just perfect, and I feel like for the first time at Berea I have the perfect semester. Not merely a good or great semester, but a perfect one. With Botany with Thompson, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy with Roy, and Parasitology with Rosen I could not be happier. Work is great, I love the Chem department.
Perhaps in the future I might be digging up dinosaur bones, or working with parasites, growing bacterial cultures, seeing patients, conducting biomedical research, working at the CDC, working in immunology or even doing some hybrid of these. Perhaps is true. It will be one of these, I have such a broad pallete with which to pursue and at times a broad sense of taste can be the kiss of death, yet this time that broad sense of taste is giving me no less than a bottomless barrel from which I'll find my place in the world.
Whatever I do, however, I'll be the best goddamn person at it.
There is no passion; there is serenity.