Wow, so it's been a harrowing past three weeks or so.
I am quite sure that I've gone from one attitude to the next to the next in those three weeks, and for that I feel like I'm actually feeling a little more whole and intact now that I'm in Nashville. Obviously living in a new town would make one feel more focused, right? Yeah, I did not expect that either.
Nashville is an amazing town; though only being here for almost two weeks, I have done enough and seen enough to realize that I really digg this town. From the small side streets with plethora of small shops and hang-outs to the ridiculous downtown of Broadway. I really like Nashville, and I really like Vanderbilt.
I am loving my lab! My PI is one of the most intriguing and interesting fellows I have ever met, and my research is really exciting me. The grad student I am working with is unbelievably helpful and understanding and I could not ask for a better advisor for this summer. The Post-Docs in the lab are all wonderful and nice and full of their own unique flavor. I am one of three domestics in the lab, the rest being internationals from Russian, Ukraine, Iran and even China. I know what your thinking, the axis of evil in my lab, right? Yeah, that sure is an astute observation by such a clever individual as yourself. Go ahead and have yourself a delicious cookie in honor of your hilarious humour.
Things are going well. Too well?
Perhaps the best news in the last week has been not only my PI being completely okay with me taking a leave of absence for a week to go on my family vacation (with literally the entire family ~25 people) to Holden Beach, but also that my best friend in the world, Amy, will be joining me.
I am so excited and it will be, by far, the best vacation ever.
Done deal.
I have beaten GTAIV, downloaded countless new albums (the new Coldplay is amazing! and I generally don't go for them) and the entire M. Ward discography (because he and Zooey Deschanel are coming to Nashville July 30, and I purchased an iPhone. It is amazing. I'm getting along great with the guys down here in my suite (though I don't much like my arrogant roommate--oh well, he doesn't have to know I honestly think he's a piece of shit, right?)
Everything is great, I could not hope to be anywhere else this summer.

3 weeks, 3 weeks!