I love spring break. I just do. I don't know why, I never do anything extraordinary like travel to the coast or head to the mountains, but I do always go to my brother & sister-in-law's abode in Cincinnati for a bit, and invariably head home for the final days.
Well, here I am whence more, and it's lovely. Dined on some authentic Thai food (Mae Ploy, Pad Thai, Coconut Curry, Pineapple Fried Rice), and currently we are watching what has so far been the most unexciting stretch of NCAA tournament play I've ever seen--especially for Elite Eight play. UCLA destroying Xavier (my choice) today, Davidson, Kansas, Texas and Memphis yesterday all dominating in the games and winning by nearly 20 points. Not exciting, and not worthy of too much attention since none of the teams are my teams. Louisville and UNC right now, L'ville not doing so great right now. Down a few. I'm not sure who to root for in this match-up; too many ties and rivalries with these two teams and UK. I'll figure that out before long though.
Tomorrow we are heading to the Bodies exhibit at the Cincy Museum and I am very excited. I know the Pre-Med Club is heading there after break sometime, so looks like I'll be visiting this place twice, I do hope it is only half as cool as I hope it is. If that is the case, I will be very happy.
I've felt empty lately. Very much so. I've reestablished a very important contact within the last couple weeks and honestly that's been the best part of my year so far; though still quite bittersweet. I just don't it'll ever be fine with me, just that feeling--that deep down feeling--just hasn't gone away and I doubt that it will. It's OK though, things are going alright and I've got plenty to look forward to. I've just got to get my head on straight--it feels like it is for a little stretch of time and before I know it I'm back to where I was. I just need a good adhesive I suppose.
I was informed by the head of our biology department, Dr. Dawn Anderson, that I was selected to go to Vanderbilt this summer as a research program! I'm so excited and it's going to be several levels above what I did last summer. I will be working for Dr. Billy G. Hudson at the Vanderbilt University Cancer Center. This man is huge in the industry--with some 120 publications, two drugs produced from his lab with one finishing phase II trials and the other in phase I, and he's founded two companies. He deals with renal diseases (kidney) and is not a lightweight. I'll be doing real-world research and spending my days working on projects that will maybe benefit someone one day.
I'm so incredibly excited, and so nervous. Not only is it a big university, but it's a real-deal biomedical researcher. It's going to be something else.
You should really check out the new NIN album. I got it when it first came out and it's amazing. It's only available from NIN online, and it's only $5 for the whole download. All instrumental, and to me that is how Nine Inch Nails should be. Get it here.
Well, I've got the new Mass Effect episode downloaded and ready to play when I get home. Yes, I am excited.