So...after a long, whirlwind summer at good 'ol Berea, I'm finally home for some much needed--and wanted--R & R.
A little background: I spent this past spring's semester in BIO 313 Experimental Zoology with Dr. Ron Rosen and turns out I did pretty well and I enjoyed the course immensely; I've never had a zoo course and never really studied parasitic and animal physiology and pathologies. Come the end of the term, Dr. Rosen asks me to study with him this summer on his life's work: the parasite Proterometra macrostoma. Cool beans, right? Right! Spent most of the summer gaining quite a bit of knowledge and experience not only in parasitology but also in research and lab work. Spent a total of 10 weeks: June 11 to August 17 researching and to no surprise I was glad to be done with it. As much as I loved it, enjoyed the comradery I was quite ready to rest for a week before this fall semester begins (which is next Wednesday the 29th FYI).
I suppose I'm looking forward to this semester, I'm rested from academics, missing my Berea kids (whom all are doing great things too this summer), and quite ready to get my med school regiment back online. I've never been so set and resolved on something like my passion for med school. I've spent quite a bit of my thoughts and learning focused on this ultimate position...however, only just recently have I really contemplated not getting into med school or the like. Likely I'll also apply to the D.O. school in Pikeville and try out some Vet schools possibly, but if those don't work out I suppose I'll find my way to grad school and do some biochemistry or microbiology degree.
Though I've found my biggest problem is the reality that I am in love with everything and want to do and try everything; piloting, sailing, mechanic, fly-fishing, yachting, languages, cooking fine foods, wine making, beer brewing, guitar, electronics, computers....to say the least.
Maybe I should just stick to one thing?
Oh, hell no.